Gaius Asinius Rufus
Gaius Asinius Rufus (ca 110 – aft. 136) was a notable in Lydia in 134 and 135 who became a Roman Senator in 136. He was probably the son of Gaius Asinius Frugi (b. ca 80), monet. of Phrygia between 98 and 116.
He married Julia, daughter of A. Julius Claudius Charax (ca 115 – aft. 147), granddaughter of G. Julius Lupus T. Vibius Varus Laevillus (ca 95 – aft. 132) and wife Julia Quadratilla (b. ca 100), and through her great-granddaughter of Gaius Julius Quadratus Bassus (ca 70 – 117), a romanized Galatian, Legate at Judaea between 102/103 and 104/105, Consul of Rome in 105 and Proconsul of Asia in 105, and wife Julia, Princess of Cilicia (b. ca 80).
They had the following issue:
- Gaius Asinius Nicomachus (b. ca. 135), married to his cousin Julia Quadratilla (b. ca 145) (or perhaps to Asinia Marcellina, descendant of the family of Gaius Asinius Pollio), parents of:
- Christian Settipani, Les Ancêtres de Charlemagne (France: Éditions Christian, 1989).
- Christian Settipani, Continuite Gentilice et Continuite Familiale Dans Les Familles Senatoriales Romaines, A L'Epoque Imperiale, Mythe et Realite. Linacre, UK: Prosopographica et Genealogica, 2000. ILL. NYPL ASY (Rome) 03-983.
- Chris Bennett, Egyptian Royal Genealogy - Ptolemaic Dynasty, 2005. Avail at, visited 5/12/2005.
- Anthony Wagner, Pedigree and Progress, Essays in the Genealogical Interpretation of History, London, Philmore, 1975. Rutgers Alex CS4.W33.
- Kelsey Williams, Plantagenet Descents From Ancient Judea. Posting to soc.genealogy.medieval (email list GEN-MEDIEVAL) on 6/23/2002-201716. Subject: Re: Plantagenet Descents From Ancient Judea. Available at Author address: gkkwilliams at cowboy dot net.
- Luíz Paulo Manuel de Menezes de Mello Vaz de São-Payo, A Herança Genética de Dom Afonso I Henriques (Portugal: Centro de Estudos de História da Família da Universidade Moderna do Porto, Porto, 2002).
- Manuel Dejante Pinto de Magalhães Arnao Metello and João Carlos Metello de Nápoles, "Metellos de Portugal, Brasil e Roma", Torres Novas, 1998
See also